Best New Voice: Fiction
Benjamin Franklin Awards 2017
Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)
“Corran Harrington is a gifted writer whose voice is like a gentle current moving you into unexpected landscapes. Enter Follow the River Home, and before you know it, you find yourself meandering into the hearts of people and places you will not easily forget.”
Roderick Clark, editor of Rosebud
“Deeply, bravely imagined, Corran Harrington’s radiant fiction records the ways in which our deepest loyalties and griefs spring from our first soil, brilliantly revealing the secret ways our lives touch each other without our knowing. Compassionate, luminous, wise, this is a book to savor and give to friends.”
Kathleen Hill, author of Who Occupies This House
“The beautifully intertwined stories in Corran Harrington’s Follow the River Home vividly evoke the ebb and flow of life in New Mexico. Harrington’s writing is thoughtful, fluid, keenly observant, and filled with voices that resonate beyond the page. I highly recommend this book.”
Mary Wolf, owner of Collected Works bookstore, Santa.Fe, New Mexico
“Corran Harrington is a master of word-painting as her canvas contracts and expands with imagery that is a balm
for the soul.”
Amazon customer review
“She delves into the inner worlds of her characters with thick description of place through poetic imagery, and runs the gamut of literary convention with many points of view.”
Amazon customer review
“Elegantly written fiction.”
Amazon customer review
“I loved this book and know it will stay with me for a very long time.”
Goodreads review
“Gifted with a talent for writing, Corran Harrington takes the artist’s brush and using broad strokes of varying colors paints an exquisite picture of the life of one man. An enjoyable book and one so well-written you forget you are reading fiction.”
★★★★☆ 4.5
Amazon customer rating
★★★★☆ 4.1
Goodreads rating
“Harrington’s lyrical prose and use of words is magical, and will make you love the English language.”
Amazon customer review
“An uncommon author—her prose has the cadence, beat, close emotion, and distant observation of the finest musical score.”
Amazon customer review
“This book is so lyrical, moving and skillfully written I would give it 6 out of 5 stars.”
Goodreads review
★★★★☆ 4.0
Barnes & Noble rating